Hi, I'm Alakhdeep Singh.

An dedicated Front-End Developer, committed to building visually stunning and user-friendly websites through creative coding solutions.


I'm a dedicated Front-End Developer with over 1.5 year of industry experience. Passionate about crafting dynamic and user-centric web applications, I specialize in writing clean and efficient code for seamless user experiences. My focus lies in building scalable and intuitive front-end applications that elevate user engagement.

  • Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Technologies: React.js, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Redux-Saga, Material UI, SCSS, NPM, Webpack, Babel, Jest
  • Developer Tools: Git, GitHub, VS Code, Postman, Vercel, Firebase, Chrome DevTools, Figma, Jira
  • Concepts: Data Structures and Algorithms, Clean Code, Agile Methodology, Software Engineering

Let's connect and explore how I can contribute to your next front-end project. Looking forward to exciting collaborations and innovative solutions! 🌟


Software Development Engineer 1 - Frontend
  • Designed & implemented responsive UIs for key pages (dashboard, profile, home, about, courses) and micro-apps (Interactive Chat, Lesson Plan, Assessments, Rubrics), leading to a 30% boost in user engagement and 20% faster page load times on mobile and tablet devices for the UnconstrainED platform.
  • Developed ReactJS features such as chat history, input editing, profile editing, and share-chat, with additional like/dislike options, quick actions, and download functionality (Word & PDF), resulting in a 20% increase in user interaction and a 15% improvement in chat adoption.
  • Integrated REST APIs & WebSockets using Redux-Saga to manage dynamic data, improving data consistency and load efficiency across the frontend.
  • Developed key features including sign-up/sign-in, partner school slider, blogs, consent management, and a CMS, leading to a 20% faster content update process and improved admin content management efficiency.
  • Contributed over 32,000 lines of code to build complex UIs and scalable components, ensuring high performance and maintainability of the codebase.
  • Tools: ReactJS, Redux, Redux-Saga, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Jest, Responsive web design
Feb 2024 - Present | Gurugram, Haryana
Software Developer
  • Developed a robust online platform for a website, using JavaScript, and ReactJS, with a focus on responsive design through skillful media query implementation.
  • Implemented many generic components from scratch by integrating features which include a dynamic carousel, animations & different types of filters on products, recommendations, categories, & advanced analytics.
  • By refactoring the code, our platforms got better, resulting in improved code maintenance and performance.
  • Implemented Jest unit testing to ensure the reliability and robustness of critical features, enhancing overall application quality.
  • Tools: ReactJS, Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Jest, Responsive web design
July 2023 - Dec 2023 | Ludhiana, Punjab
Software Programmer Trainee
  • Contributed to live projects, namely Studentkare.com and Dreeshah, engaging in both B2B and B2C admin and frontend parts. The application was developed using a tech stack that included Javascript and Angular.
  • Created numerous reusable components from scratch, incorporating functionalities like CRUD operations, action toggle buttons, and pagination.
  • Resolved over 100 bugs by maintaining an Excel sheet and Implemented various additional features such as shopping cart integration, product reviews, and the integration of data APIs from the backend Node.js, displayed on the frontend.
  • Tools: Angular, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Git
April 2023 - June 2023 | Ludhiana, Punjab
  • Consistently contributed to seamless operations across a spectrum of projects, thereby playing a pivotal role in achieving organizational success.
  • Successfully debugged the code, and identified and resolved issues.
  • Tools: Software Development
Jan 2023 - March 2023 | Bengaluru , India


music streaming app

An E-commerce web app based on ReactJS

  • Responsive e-commerce site with product listings, categorized products, detailed pages, related products, cart management, and quantity adjustment.
  • Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,& ReactJS, with StrapiCMS powering the backend for seamless integration.
quiz app

A movie recommendation web app based on ReactJS.

  • Developed FilmyDuniya, a web application that allows users to browse movies and TV shows, view details, and create watchlists.
  • Implemented Firebase for user authentication & database storage.
  • Tools:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS
Screenshot of  web app
Crypto Universe

A responsive web app that shows live data of crypto.

  • Crypto Universe is a responsive Reactjs-based web app in which coingecko API is used to fetch the data
  • It shows real-time data for all the cryptocurrencies like coins and exchanges. Chartjs is used to analyze the data graphically.
  • Tools:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS
Screenshot of  web app

The MI Store Clone, crafted in React.js

  • The MI Store Clone, crafted in React.js, is a responsive frontend replica of the MI Store. Hosted on Firebase, it offers an engaging, dynamic, and visually pleasing user experience, showcasing modern web development techniques.
Screenshot of  web app

Quiz App created using ReactJS

Screenshot of  web app

Calculator App created using ReactJS



Front-End Technologies

JavaScript (ES6)

Frameworks & Libraries:

Redux & Redux Toolkit
Material UI

Tools & Deployment


Testing Proficiency & Version Control

Jest (Unit Testing)


Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana

Punjab India

Degree: Bachelor of Technology - BTech in Information Technology
CGPA: 8.5/10
Duration 2019 - 2023

Sir Padampat Singhania Education Centre School

Kanpur Nagar, India

Degree: Intermediate (Class 12th)
Grade: First Division
Year of Completion: 2019


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